What we do

Smart Dairy 1.0,Smart Auditor 1.0,Smart Chilling Plant 1.0,Smart HR-Payroll Management...

Smart Dairy 1.0


तुमच्या दुध संकलन केंद्राचे संपुर्ण संगणककीरण, ऑनलाईन-ऑफलाईन दुध संकलन, S.M.S. सुविधा , तेरिज ताळेबंद, सचिवाच्या मागणीनुसार
सर्व रिपोर्टस.

VsiTrade 1.0

तुमच्या सर्व प्रकारच्या वस्तु / मालाची
खरेदी विक्री व व्यवहाराचे संपुर्ण संगणकीकरण, S.M.S सुविधा, युजरच्या मागणीनुसार रिपोर्ट्स आणि ट्रेनिंग.

Smart Auditor 1.0

एका पेक्षा अधिक संस्था,प्रायव्हेट व्यवसाय व इतर सर्व फार्मचे अकौंटे‍ग करण्याची एकाच सौफ्ट्वेअर मध्ये सुविधा, तेरिज, व्यापारीपत्रक, नफा-तोटा, ताळेबंद, जनरल लेजर, इतर रिपोर्ट्स.

Smart Payroll 1.0

संपूर्ण पेरोल सुविधा,विविध एम्प्लॉयी प्रकार आणि एम्प्लॉयी पेमेंट/पगार वाटप, तस्तैवज संग्रह, विविध एम्प्लॉयी उपस्तिथी/Attendance ,folowup आणि इतर सर्व रिपोर्ट्स.

Chilling 1.0

कॅन / टॅंकर दुध संकलन, पंधरवडा दुध पेमेंट(बिलिंग), अकौंटिंग, S.M.S सुविधा आणि इतर सर्व रिपोर्ट्स.

MET 1.0

Marketing Employee Tracker Facilates all Marketing Employee Tracking Service as well as visits, Activity, Managing Order, Tasks, Competitor Tracking and ManyOther Services.

Our products

  • All
  • MET Marketing Tracker
  • Inventory
  • Smart Dairy
  • Complete Payroll
  • Promo SMS


Vikern Smart Invent Software Technology Private Limited (we, us, our) complies with the New India Privacy Act (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person).

Customized Web Application Development

Customized Web Application Devlopment using ASP .Net.

Android Application Development

Android Application Development.

Desktop Application Development

Desktop Application Development..

Accounting Services


IT Services Outsourcing


Bulk SMS Provider


MET - Marketing Employee Live Tracker Pricing Tables

Including Service Taxes


Rs.500 per month


Rs.1500 per month


Rs.3000 per month

Unlimited Access

12000 / per month

PromoSMS App Promotion/Advertisement of Products/Business/Services by SMS

PromoSMS App is usefull for those businessman , retailers , shop owners , shopkeepers and all kind of paid service providers who want to advertise or promote there business/services/products to people who calls them or They(businessman/service provider) calls customers.

Features Of promoSMS App

1) 5 Differrent SMS template While promoting/advertising the Business/Products/Services promoSMS App having 5 differrent SMS templates which will helps owners.

2) Pause SMS Service Owner can pause (temporory suspend) SMS App for some time.

3) Daily SMS Limit owner can set daily sms limit so that he can use daily free sms on his mobile and avoid extra charges , with the help of this , pending promotional sms gets sent on next day.

4) Block Contact List If Owner want to avoid promotional sms to some contacts then he can add those contacts in block contacts.

5) Birthday remiders promoSMS App will send Birthday remiders autmatically if added in BirthdayList

Please contact us on below Address for more information


Rs.365 per year

Vikern Smart Invent Software technology Pvt. Ltd.





Phone -(02425) 223344

whatsapp No : 9822180270

website : www.vsitrade.com

email : help@vsitrade.com , vikern@vsitrade.com

Mobile : 9822180270, 7020704017